IEA at COP27: Providing universal access to resilient energy systems by 2030
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Egypt Time, GMT +2: 12:00 PM-1:30 PM
By 2030, over half of the world’s population will likely be exposed to climate hazards and 75% of energy systems will be at risk from climate hazards, resulting in underperformance or failure when they are needed most. Global warming, more variable precipitation patterns, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events already pose a significant challenge to the resilience of electricity systems, increasing the likelihood of climate-driven disruption. The IEA's recent research on Climate Resilience for Energy Security provides solutions to upgrade existing systems and build new systems that are climate resilient, which have the ability to anticipate, absorb, accommodate and recover from adverse climate impacts and bring multiple benefits to electricity security.
This event will take these challenges and will highlight key barriers, challenges, and the need for resilient energy systems. It will also focus on outlining actions and investments that can build resilience. Current examples of capital deployed throughout investment in resilient energy systems will also be showcased.
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