IEA at COP27: Accelerating to Net Zero in the new energy paradigm
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Egypt Time, GMT +2: 11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Triggered by the 2021 IPCC assessment report, governments and businesses from across the world have pledged ambitious goals, and mobilized resources at scale to accelerate the transformation to Net Zero. Heavy industries and emerging economies are central to this challenge, where innovative decarbonization solutions are yet to be developed or deployed at scale. Net Zero Industry Tracker 2022, published by World Economic Forum in collaboration with Accenture, highlights the large gaps in creating a robust enabling environment for accelerated industrial decarbonization. Similarly, the Cost of Capital Observatory, hosted by the International Energy Agency and built-in collaboration with partners including the World Economic Forum, provides an assessment of barriers to investments in energy transition in emerging economies.
In this event, leaders from public and private sectors will discuss opportunities to unlock accelerated progress for net zero transformation in both hard-to-abate industries and emerging economies. Demonstrated solutions that build transparency and key enables that can navigate the uncertainties for hard-to-abate industries and emerging economies in the current volatile environment will be discussed.
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