IEA at COP27: High level forum on financing energy transition in Africa (AUC-IEA)
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Egypt Time, GMT +2: 2:30 PM-3:30 PM
The IEA, in partnership with the AUC, produced the Africa Energy Outlook 2022 (AEO 2022), which looks at possible pathways for Africa’s energy systems to evolve towards achieving African development goals, including universal access to modern and affordable energy services by 2030 and Nationally Determined Contributions. COP27 will be a unique opportunity to bring together African policy makers to discuss concrete African energy transition pathways and to accelerate efforts to mobilise financing.
The event is expected to expand on the Africa Energy Outlook findings, their implications and opportunities for addressing the continent’s energy needs and closing the policy and financing gaps to accelerate the transition as well as strengthening the partnership between AU and IEA Member States. Which opportunities exist for the African continent to achieve its development objectives under the ongoing energy crisis and what are the potential benefits? How is the current crisis reshaping Africa’s energy future? How can Africa lead the energy transition? Where are its competitive advantages? What are the key pillars to help achieve the transition? These are some of the questions that this side event will seek to address.
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