World Energy Investment 2023: China Launch
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In May 2023, the IEA launched World Energy Investment 2023, a report that provides a full update on energy investments in 2022 and an initial reading of the emerging picture for 2023. The WEI report provides a global benchmark for tracking capital flows in the energy sector and examines how investors are assessing risks and opportunities across all areas of fuel and electricity supply, critical minerals, efficiency, research and development and energy finance.
The International Energy Agency (IEA), Energy Foundation China, and the Institute of Energy, Peking University, will be jointly hosting a launch event of the IEA WEI report on Wednesday, 20 September 2023. The main objectives of the event will be to present the key findings of the IEA World Energy Investment 2023 report, and to discuss the latest trends of China’s energy investments domestically and abroad.
The event will take place in a hybrid format, with an in-person conference in Beijing and an online Zoom webinar. Simultaneous interpretation and livestreaming will be provided.