World Energy Employment 2024 – Technical Webinar
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The third edition of the World Energy Employment (WEE) provides an update on the status and prospects for the global energy workforce in the wake of the global energy crisis and discusses future uncertainties that will remain top of mind for energy workers and employers. The report includes comprehensive estimates of energy employment by sector, by region, and by supply chain segment. It also highlights how the industry is grappling with skilled labour shortages, the implications for wages, emerging needs for education and upskilling, and data on gender, informality, and digitalization.
A key focus for this year’s report is the prospects for clean energy job creation in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs). China is currently the clear global leader in clean energy employment, while other EMDEs have struggled to replicate this success, particularly in the domain of clean energy manufacturing jobs, despite lower labour costs. Making the most of the employment potential of clean energy means a renewed focus on the domestic energy transition, skills development, and ensuring the transition remains people-centred with an emphasis on job quality and security. This year’s report also features a special focus on India, and its successful efforts to attract more investment to its rapidly growing energy sector.
The lead authors Caleigh Andrews, Michael McGovern, and Rebecca Ruff will revisit key findings presented in the launch and explore other analyses in greater detail, followed by a Q&A session. Jane Cohen will provide opening and closing remarks.