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Web Conference: Project experience with CCS permitting processes

Workshop — Paris, France


In 2012, the number of large-scale integrated CCS projects (LSIPs) in the GCCSI “execute” phase increased to eight, with Shell’s announcement of final investment decision on its Quest project in Alberta, Canada, on 5 September. As more projects move to advanced stages of the project pipeline, it is instructive to take stock of industry experience with CCS permitting processes and regulatory frameworks for the safe and effective storage of CO2, to: identify key regulatory challenges facing existing integrated CCS projects; enhance understanding of whether CCS regulation is meeting its objectives; and inform, from a “bottom-up” perspective, ongoing government efforts in developing CCS regulation.

In this webinar, speakers from the Shell Quest, Rotterdam Capture and Storage Demonstration (ROAD), SaskPower Boundary Dam, and Southern Company Plant Barry projects will speak on their experiences to date with CCS permitting processes and regulation. Specifically, the speakers will provide a brief overview of the: project and development to date; relevant CCS regulation and permits that were (or are) required; and the key challenges and surprises that the developer encountered in permitting the project. It will be moderated by Ian Havercroft of the Global CCS Institute, which has ongoing dialogue with LSIP developers on policy and regulatory issues. Following the invited speakers’ remarks, there will be time for questions and answers from the audience.    


The agenda for this event is as follows:





Sean McCoy, IEA

Welcome and introductions


Ian Havercroft, GCCSI

Introduction and overview of industry experience with CCS permitting processes and regulation for the safe and effective storage of CO2


Jon-Paul Jepp, Shell

Shell Quest


Hans Schoenmakers, ROAD



Mike Monea, SaskPower

SaskPower Boundary Dam


Richard Esposito, Southern Company

Southern Company Plant Barry



Moderated discussion

