The role of state-owned enterprises in the low-carbon energy transition
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The global climate accord that emerged out of COP21 in Paris in December 2015 underscores the need for deep emissions reductions in the energy sector and signals a coming transition to a low-carbon economy. State-owned enterprises (SOEs) have an important role to play in achieving global climate goals, given that they produce a significant share of energy-related CO2 emissions. SOEs are important both in terms of phasing down emissions-intensive activities in electric power and energy-intensive sectors as well as ramping up clean energy technologies.
This workshop explored the role of SOEs in the coming low-carbon transition, and how SOEs in a variety of country contexts can be supported to efficiently manage this transition. Discussion was held under the Chatham House rules to facilitate a free exchange of views.
1. Supporting efficient SOE participation in the transition to a low-carbon energy system
Chen Ji, NCSC (China)
Arne Eik, Statoil (Norway)
Lucy Baker, University of Sussex (UK)
Annika Ramsköld, Vattenfall (Sweden)
2. SOEs in the power sector
Federico López de Alba, CFE (Mexico)
Eric Boonman, Statkraft (Norway)
A.K. Gupta, NTPC Limited (India)
André Besner, Hydro-Québec (Canada)
Masaaki Hanaoka, TEPCO (Japan)
Discussants: Bonneville Power Administration, MVM Ltd., Electricité de France, Polska Grupa Energetyczna
3. Financing the SOE decarbonisation challenge
André Carvalhal, BNDES (Brazil)
Josué Tanaka, EBRD - no slides
Engedasew Negash, African Development Bank
Olivier Musset, Société Générale (France) - no slides
4. Tools and instruments to motivate SOE action towards the low-carbon energy transition
Aayushi Awasthy, TERI (India)
Wei Shen, Institute of Development Studies (UK)
Alessandro Blasi, IEA
Andrew Prag, OECD
5. Tour de table and way forward
Workshop summary and close