The future role of trucks for energy and environment
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Location: Centre Albert Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels
In recognition of the increasing prominence of road freight vehicles in the global energy agenda, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the International Energy Agency (IEA) co-organise this workshop as a discussion forum involving a broad range of distinguished experts (from government, industry, international organisations, academia and civil society) in the following areas:
- Potential for systemic changes towards sustainable trends in road freight activity, focusing on logistics, inter-modality and ITS-enabled technologies
- Prospects for vehicle and fuel technologies to deliver major energy efficiency improvements and reductions in Green House Gas and pollutant emissions, including the costs and benefits of these technologies
- Policy tools that enable transformational changes in the (road) freight transport sector to deliver on climate as well as on energy security goals
The results from the workshop are intended to provide valuable inputs to shape upcoming analyses of both international institutions (EC, IEA) and discuss findings and policy messages that shall be considered in their activities. In particular, this includes a forthcoming IEA publication on the current and future role of trucks in the energy sector in the Spring 2017.
Session 1: Sustainable road freight transport: visions & action plans
1. The Future Role of Trucks for Energy and Environment - Dimitrios Savvidis, European Commission
2. Sustainable Freight Transport: An Asian Perspective - Bjarne Pedersen, Clean Air Asia
3. Drive The Shift Toward Sustainable Transport - Magnus Höglund, Scania
Session 2: Vehicle and fuel technologies
4. Technology Options for Decarbonizing Road Freight - David Cebon, University of Cambridge
6. Assessing near-term efficiency potential of engine and vehicle technologies - Oscar Delgado, ICCT
7. Electric Roads For Heavy-Duty Vehicles - eHighway - Patrik Akerman, Siemens AG
Session 3: Transport system optimisation – logistics and inter-modality
9. Lean And Green Community - Nico Anten, Lean & Green Europe
10.Procter & Gamble Transformer Project - Vincent Moal, Procter & Gamble
11. Best Practices In Urban Freight Logistics - Jacques Leonardi, University of Westminster