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Sustainable feedstock supply for bioenergy and biofuels

Workshop — Paris, France


As part of the two roadmapping efforts on Advanced Biofuels for Transport and Bioenergy for Heat and Power, the IEA organised an expert workshop at the IEA headquarters on 15-16 September 2010. The workshop will address issues related to biomass and land availability, international biomass trade, biomass costs and sustainability-related topics relevant to bioenergy as well as biofuels.

The IEA biofuel roadmap will describe the steps necessary to achieve the ambitious biofuels targets layed out in the ETP 2008 Blue Map scenario. The roadmap will identify major barriers, opportunities, and policy measures for policy makers and industry and financial partners to accelerate RDD&D efforts for advanced biofuel technologies and ensure sustainable feedstock provision on both a national and international level. As a first step, the technology development and end-use related issues for advanced biofuels have been explored in an expert workshop that took place 15-16 of April at the IEA headquarters. In a second phase, issues related to the sustainable feedstock supply for biofuels as well as other bioenergy applications, will be addressed. An expert meeting on, amongst others, biomass and land availability, international biomass trade, supply costs and sustainability-related topics will take place September 15-16 at the IEA headquarters in Paris.

Background Information


Introduction to IEA Roadmap Process and ETP 2010 Analysis
Adam Brown, Anselm Eisentraut, IEA

Bioenergy Potential Assessment State of the Art
Daniela Thrän, German Biomass Research Centre

Observations on Biofuel Potentials and Land Use
Richard Murphy, Imperial College

GBEP Task Force on Sustainability
Jerome Malavelle, UNEP

Brazilian Sugarcane Zoning
Marlon Arraes, Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy

Biomass Markets and Trade
Andre Faaij, University Utrecht

Barriers to SE Asia Biofuel Exports to the European and US markets
Samai Jai-Indr, Energy Standing Committee Thailand

International Co-operation for Pro-poor Bioenergy Concepts
Jutta Schmitz, GTZ