Strengthening National Energy Information Systems in Africa
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Background information
Energy statistics and balances constitute the basic description of the energy system in a country. They are a cornerstone for tracking clean energy transitions and are also essential for monitoring the broader impacts of energy use – including the implications for energy security. To design and implement the energy policies that support sustainable socio-economic development, access to energy for all, and the achievement of climate goals, countries need reliable, robust and timely data. With this aim, the African Energy Commission (AFREC) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) have been organizing events training over thousands of professionals from Africa and beyond to support their respective data collections. AFREC and IEA have been also working bilaterally with national stakeholders to assess data gaps in all demand sectors and fuels, and to provide short- and long-term recommendations to improve national energy data.
Recognizing the fundamental importance of national energy statistics strategies, AFREC is developing a Comprehensive Strategic Plan for the improvement and harmonization of Energy Statistics and Energy Information Systems in Africa for the period of 2025- 2030. Similarly, the IEA has recently released a first-of-its-kind guidebook which offers a comprehensive framework for national institutions to assess existing national energy information systems and strategize a roadmap for their development. By applying this framework to a specific national information system, with the help of its accompanying tool, countries and energy institutions can better understand its strengths and weaknesses and identify the actions to prioritize.
To help African statisticians and decision-makers get familiar with developing energy statistics strategies, the IEA and AFREC have organised a webinar to strategically discuss how to strengthen the energy information systems at the national level.
Material presented during the webinar can be downloaded below
- Why data strategies matter? Towards designing a national energy statistics roadmap
- Introduction to the IEA Energy Statistics Roadmap
- Development of the 2025-2030 Strategy for the Improvement and Harmonization of Energy Statistics in Africa
- Expérience du Bénin en matière du Système d’information Energétique
- Uganda’s Experience on National Energy Information System
- Responses to the interactive question session (Menti)