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Scaling up the sustainable bioeconomy: A new chapter for the Biofuture Platform


Time: 12:30 - 14:00

Fatih Birol (IEA Executive Director), Michal Kurtyka (COP24 President), Edson Duarte (Minister of Environment, Brazil), Kimmo Tiilikainen (Minister of Environment, Finland)

The event will include: i) presentation of the IEA’s report Renewables 2018; (ii) launch of the Biofuture Platform’s report "Creating the Biofuture"; iii) highlights of major national initiatives and policies of Biofuture Platform countries, and iii) announcement of the way forward of the initiative agreed by its participants, including a new governance framework, and the stepping up of IEA´s engagement.

12:30    Opening Statements by event co-Chairs

Michał Kurtyka, UNFCCC COP24 President
Edson Duarte, Minister of Environment, Brazil
Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA)

12h50    Endorsement of the Biofuture Governance Framework Document and Official Photograph.

13h10    Short Documentary: “The Biofuture we Need Now”
Policy brief: there´s a need and there´s a way for the bioeconomy:
Launch and presentation of findings from the “Creating the Biofuture Report”
Presentation of findings from the “IEA Renewables 2018” Report

13h25   Addresses by Ministers and Heads of Delegation - Highlighting policy action at the national level

13h55   Closing remarks

Dr. Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Amb. J. Antonio Marcondes, Biofuture Platform interim Facilitator

14h00   Refreshments

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AgendaPresentation, Mechthild Wörsdőrfer