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Scaling up Smart Energy Systems

Workshop — Paris, France


‌‌‌‌‌The purpose of the workshop is to provide input to the recommendations the IEA will give to its global audience on drastically accelerating the implementation of smart grid technologies, solutions and concepts, at the scale and speed required to meet low carbon objectives. We will be discussing what immediate barriers, challenges and opportunities need to be addressed from a technical, market, regulatory or policy perspective. The outcomes would be published as part of our technology roadmap on Smart Energy Systems.



Introduction - Workshop overview and purpose

IEA Welcome - Laszlo Varro, Chief Economist, IEA 

Smart Energy Systems roadmap - Luis Munuera, Smart Grids Lead, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA - Presentation

Current status of smart energy systems: State of play - emerging trends, new market areas

Emerging trends over the past five years, key growth market areas, leading performers:

Peter Van den Heede, Marketing & Business Development Manager Smart Grids CEU, ABB - Presentation

Michael Hübner, Senior Expert, Austrian Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vice-Chair ISGAN  - Presentation

Xavier Moreau, Director, Strategic Marketing, Utility Segment, Schneider Electric - Presentation

Discussion: Moderator: Russell Conklin, Vice chair International Smart Grids Action Network, Office of International Affairs, US DoE - Presentation

Technology frontier for smart energy systems: Defining a future vision for smart energy systems

Technologies to enable future markets: fundemental innovations in the pipeline, lessons learned from demonstration projects and large-scale deployments

Regis Hourdouillie, Global head of smart grid, Ericsson - Presentation

Rodolphe de Beaufort, Smart Grid Marketing Director, GE grid solutions - Presentation

Marina Lombardi, Head of Unit, Solution Development Center, New Technologies and Innovation Projects, ENEL - Presentation

Discussion: Moderator: Michele de Nigris, Chair, ISGAN; Director, Dpt Sustainable Development and Energy Sources, RSE - Presentation


SESSION III: Getting smart energy systems to scale: Technology barriers, supply chain issues, standards, interoperability

Concrete technical barriers, value chain bottlenecks, standardisation/interoperability constraints that need to be addressed

Javier Arriola, Director for technology and automation, Star project Director, Iberdrola - Presentation

Axel Strang, Industrial Straetgy Project Manager, ERDF - Presentation

Richard Schomberg, Chairman of IEC System Committee on Smart Energy, EDF/IEC - Presentation

Discussion:  Moderator: Rick Truscott, Senior Director, Power Systems, China Light and Power - Presentation


SESSION IV: Policy, regulation and emerging business models

Key remaining regulatory issues and what main emerging areas of value creation need immediate attention from regulators and policy makers

Alica Carrasco, Regulatory Affairs Director, EMEA,Siemens - Presentation

Karin Widegren, Adviser to the Director General, Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate, Vice Chair, ISGAN - Presentation

Sarah Keay-Bright, Senior Associate, Regional Coordinator, RAP - Presentation

Discussion: Moderator: Russell Conklin, Vice chair International Smart Grids Action Network, Office of International Affairs, US DoE - Presentation



Luis Munuera, Smart grids lead, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA - Concluding remarks