Launch of IEA’s Online Training on Appliance Energy Efficiency Policy
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Background information
Worldwide electricity consumption is expected to grow by 60 percent by 2030, driven in part by the increasing use of equipment, appliances, lighting, and other energy using devices.
Energy-efficient equipment and appliances benefit both consumers and governments; increasing efficiency lowers energy costs, enhances energy security, helps expand access to energy services and reduces harmful emissions. In particular, recent evidence shows that energy efficiency policies have helped halve the energy consumption of key appliances in the longest-running appliance efficiency programmes. In the countries with the longest running appliance energy efficiency policies, the policies have contributed to reduction in energy consumption of key appliances by half.
The new IEA Appliance Energy Efficiency Policy course aims to prepare participants to successfully advance appliance energy efficiency policy. It does so by introducing the fundamentals to effectively design and implement an energy efficiency policy package by integrating regulations, information, and incentives to move appliances towards higher efficiency standards.
The online training was developed by the IEA in collaboration with the SEAD Initiative.
09:00 – 09:05 Opening remarks: Melanie Slade, Senior Programme Manager, IEA
09:05 – 09:10 The Ladder Approach: Clara Camarasa, Energy Efficiency Analyst, IEA
09:10 – 09:30 Country Champions: Presentations on Importance of Appliance Energy Efficiency
- European Union Perspective, Niels Ladefoged (European Commission)
- China perspective: Xia Yujuan (China National Institute of Standardisation, CNIS)
- India perspective: Neha Dhingra (CLASP)
- Sub-Sahara Africa perspective, Readlay Makaliki (SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency)
09:30 – 09:55 Panel discussion: Importance of Appliance Energy Efficiency Policy
09:55 – 10:00 Closing Remarks: Melanie Slade, Senior Programme Manager, IEA