Integrating New Technologies while Maintaining Resource Adequacy
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Session 1 - Integrating new technologies while maintaining resource adequacy: Europe
The ambitious 2030 objectives imply increased penetration of low-carbon technologies and increased pressure on existing fossil-based generation. Do we have the right market incentives for new investment, demand response and other technologies, and continued operation of recently installed capacity to ensure system adequacy during this transition?
Moderator: Manuel Baritaud, Senior Energy Analyst, IEA
• Energy and Climate Change, Marco Baroni, Senior Energy Analyst, IEA
• Coming challenges for Europe in meeting decarbonisation objectives, Geoff Blanford, Program Manager, EPRI and Ifo Institute
• Resource adequacy forecasts to 2030 under different scenarios, Jean Verseille, Board member, ENTSO-E
• Power plant retirements and mothballing, Tomas Björnsson, Head of Business Strategy, Vattenfall
Session 2 - Integrating new technologies while maintaining resource adequacy: United States
The Clean Power Plan, other state and federal environmental regulations, and changing market conditions are resulting in rapid changes in the North American grid. Distributed renewables, storage, and demand response are coming onto the grid, while significant conventional capacity is retiring. How well will new technologies balance conventional closures in order to maintain resource adequacy? What additional measures will be required as changes accelerate?
Moderator: Tom Wilson, Senior Program Manager, EPRI
• The Big Picture: Clean Power Plan and state responses overview, John Lawhorn,
Senior Director of Policy and Economic Studies, MISO
• California Utility Perspective, Ray Williams, Director of Long-Term Energy Policy, PG&E
• Nuclear and Coal Retirement, Kevin Leahy, Environmental and Energy Policy, Duke Energy
Session 3 - Integrating new technologies to achieve electricity sector decarbonisation: the role of renewables, demand response, transmission, and storage
To what extent can renewables be relied on to meet demand? Can increasing renewables make up for a loss of baseload capacity due to plant closures? What is the potential role and value of storage in a system with high renewable penetration? What is the best way to ensure demand response performance? Can interconnections be treated as a generation resource?
Moderator: David Hunter, Sr. Government Representative, EPRI
- California Policy, Ashley Conrad-Saydah, Deputy Secretary for Climate Policy, California Environmental Protection Agency
- The challenge of high-level renewable integration, Armond Cohen, CEO, Clean Air Task Force
- Demand Response, Gary Helm, Lead Market Strategist, PJM
- Participation on interconnections Steven Becker, Senior Economist Energy Market Outlook, Ofgem
Session 4 - Will electrification of heat and transportation make up for ongoing demand decline?
To what extent will electrification be required to decarbonize other segments of the economy? Are current European and US policies helping or hindering electrification? Will electrification significantly increase demand by 2030, requiring new investments?
Moderator: Jesse Scott, Energy Analyst, IEA
- The role of electrification in meeting decargbonisation goals, Francisco de la Chesnaye, Technical Executive, EPRI
- Electrification of transport, Dimitrios Papadaskalopoulos, Imperial College of London
- Electrification of heat, Anders Stouge, Deputy General Director, Danish Energy Association
- Electrification vector for further renewables deployment, Cedric Philibert, Senior Energy Analyst, IEA