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IEA-IEC-ISO Workshop on International Standards in Support of Policies for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Workshop — Paris, France


The workshop brought together policymakers, representatives from international standardisation organisations and other key stakeholders engaged in activities that promote energy efficiency and renewable energy. The workshop provided an opportunity to discuss how to improve the engagement of stakeholders in international standardisation and how to ensure that international standards support the transition towards more sustainable energy systems. A key topic that was explored during the workshop is how to facilitate the development and use of systemic approaches both within policy making and standardisation.


Opening Session

Global trends: Energy outlook and expectations on energy efficiency and renewable energy policies and international standards
Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director, IEA

Session 1: Setting the global scene and trends for EE+RE policies and association with international standards

Energy efficiency and renewable energy policies at world level, relation with global issues, e.g. climate change, social and economic development, expectations on international standards

Examples of regional energy efficiency and renewable energy  policies and the use of standards in support of policy development and implementation


Session 2: The state of play within IEC and ISO

IEC on-going energy efficiency developments and perspectives including the Strategic Group 1 on Energy Efficiency (SG1) work and Advisory Committee on Energy Efficiency (ACEE) work
Presentation by Ralph Sporer, chair of the Advisory Committee on Energy Efficiency at IEC

New conformity assessment activities for renewable energy
Presentation by Frank Ormel, IECRE Renewable Energy Conformity Assessment System at IEC

ISO: ongoing energy efficiency and renewable energy developments and perspectives
Presentation by Trevor Vyze, Director of Standards, ISO and Kirsi Silander, Technical Programme Manager, ISO‌‌

Update on the Strategic Advisory Group on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (SAG-E) work - particularly on the strategic road mapping methodology
Presentation by Wang Geng, Co-Chair of ISO/TMB SAG-E and Vice-Chair of ISO/TC 242 Energy Management


Session 3: Systemic approaches to policy setting and related standards developments 

Practical illustration of the concept of a systemic approach: Energy efficient  buildings
Presentations by Essam E. Khalil and Dick van Dijk;

Practical illustration of the concept of a systemic approach: Energy Efficiency and Smart Grids
Richard Schomberg, Chairman of the IEC Smart Grid Systems Committee

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