Important message for WDS users

The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.

Gaps and barriers for energy technology development and deployment - a view from the Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs)

Workshop — Paris, France



Presentations from the Technology Collaboration Programmes

IETS TCP, Thore Berntsson, Chair

DHC TCP, Andrej Jentsch, Operating Agent

HPT TCP, Monica Axell, Manager Heat Pump Centre

4E TCP, Hans-Paul Siderius, Vice Chair

ECES TCP, Teun Bokhoven, Chair

ISGAN TCP, Maarten Noeninckx, Budget Review Group

HTS TCP, Bertrand Dutoit, Executive Committee delegate 

AMT TCP, Jerry Gibbs, Chair

AMF TCP, Magnus Lindgren, Chair

Combustion TCP, Jacobo Porteiro, Chair

Cross-cutting issues

Urban issues - an initiative of the Buildings Co-ordination Group, Helmut Strasser, Operating Agent, TCP on Buildings and Communities (EBC TCP)

‌, Michele de Nigris, Vice-Chair Electricity, EUWP

Integrated Transport Systems, Merja Penttinen, VTT; Magnus Lindgren, Chair TCP on Advanced Motor Fuels (AMF TCP)