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ETP 2012 Training and How2Guide Workshops for Smart Grids in Distribution Networks and Wind Energy

Training — Manila, Philippines



In the news

Workshop presentations

Day 1: IEA Training session: ETP 2012 & IEA Training session: Smart Grids

Session 1: Opening remarks

Session 2: ETP 2012 - overview

Session 3: Smart Grids Introduction

Session 4: ETP 2012 Focus on Power Generation

Session 5: Smart Grid Experiences in the region

Session 6: Networks Analysis and Global results

Session 7: CCS status and analysis


Day 2: How2Guide workshop: Smart Grids in Distribution Networks

Session 1: Opening remarks

Session 2: Roadmapping and the How2Guide concept and workshop objectives

Session 3: Smart Grid Drivers

Session 4: Smart Grid Project Types and elements

Session 5: Smart Grid deployment considerations and barriers

Session 6: Smart Grid deployment solutions


Day 3 (Morning): How2Guide workshop: Smart Grids in Distribution Networks

Session 8: IEA, national, and industry experience in roadmap experiences

Session 9: H2G methodology for roadmap development and implementation

Session 10: H2G methodology for roadmap development and implementation


Day 3 (Afternoon): GIVAR (Grid Integration of VAriable Renewables) Training

Session 1: Opening remarks

Session 2: Training on grid integration of variable renewables – Part A

Session 3: Training on grid integration of variable renewables – Part B


Day 4: How2Guide workshop: Wind Energy


Session 1: Opening remarks and introduction to How2Guide concept

Session 2: Wind drivers and technologies (incl. business case)

Session 3: Roadmap methodology –development + implementation

Session 4: Market status update

Session 5: Financial support mechanisms

Session 6: Planning and consenting 

Session 7: Wind energy on the electricity system and network