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2nd Universal Meeting of IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes



For over 42 years, IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs) have been bringing together 6,000 top experts from 53 countries, key companies, and key research institutions. Recognizing the critical need for accelerated energy technology innovation, IEA Ministers in 2015 agreed to further strengthen the technology and innovation-related activities of the Agency, to rebrand and enhance TCP efforts (also known as Implementing Agreements), and to expand participation by key countries and industry from around the world.

A first universal TCP strategy meeting was held on 18 September 2015, one of the first meetings convened by Dr. Fatih Birol in his new role as Executive Director of IEA. Since that time, and at the direction of the IEA Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT), the IEA Secretariat has made concerted efforts with the CERT and the Working Parties (WPs) to raise awareness for TCP activities and outcomes, to expand participation in TCPs, and to strengthen linkages and interactions across key multi-lateral initiatives such as Mission Innovation and the Clean Energy Ministerial. IEA Governing Board Members also continue to regularly call for the further enhancement of TCPs.

The draft IEA Medium-Term Strategy for Energy Research and Technology 2018-2022 recognises the key role of TCPs to address the energy technology challenges in the context of an increasingly complex and interconnected global energy agenda. Technology innovation, driven by sound policies, sustained by public and private investments, and pursued through effective multi-lateral collaboration, can be a key enabler of the global energy transition to achieve economic growth, energy security and access, environmental protection, and climate change mitigation.

Meeting Objectives

The IEA is convening a second universal meeting of TCPs on 9 October 2017 in Paris (France), back-to-back with a meeting of the CERT, to identify top opportunities to further strengthen TCPs, to brainstorm ways to enhance communication of TCP accomplishments; and to further support TCPs’ efforts to engage with governments, academia and industry stakeholders as well as with other multi-lateral initiatives.

This workshop will aim to provide an actionable plan to improve TCPs further, including as a key input for preparations into the IEA Ministerial on 7-8 November 2017. The meeting will be informal in nature and held under the Chatham House Rule, according to which participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed. Attendance is by invitation only.

To maximise the benefits of having TCPs all together in Paris, on 10 October an additional set of side-meetings are available to TCPs to gather additional inputs and identify further opportunities for enhancing TCP and IEA collaboration.

Please note that attendance is by invitation only. 

Meeting documents

Agenda - TCP Universal Meeting (9 October)

Side Events – TCP Universal Meeting (10 October)

Draft Action Plan for TCP Enhancement




Welcome remarks by Alicia Mignone
Scene-setter by Dave Turk

Session 1: Enhanced TCP-IEA collaboration

Presentations by Working Parties
Presentations by ETSAP TCP, 4E TCP, Bioenergy TCP, GHG TCP              

Session 2: Engagement with governments and private sector

Presentations by SolarPACES TCP, CTP TCP, ST TCP, NTFR TCP, OES TCP ‌

Session 3: Interactions with multi-lateral Initiatives

Presentation on the Clean Energy Ministerial by Christian Zinglersen
Presentation on Mission Innovation by Paul Durrant
Presentations by ISGAN TCP, HPT TCP, HEV TCP 

Session 4: Awareness, communication and visibility

Presentation by Rebecca Gaghen
Woman in Clean Energy video
Presentations by DSM TCP, PVPS TCP, SHC TCP

Additional presentation: HTS TCP