13th IEA Energy Statistics Course
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The 13th IEA Energy Statistics Course offers hands-on training in the internationally recognised IEA methodology and tools for collecting and organising national-level energy data by different fuels and sectors of the economy. It focuses on creating complete and accurate energy balances through the use of consistent definitions and units, in order to inform national energy policy and enable consistent international reporting.
It covers the following aspects and issues:
- The fundamentals of IEA energy statistics: purpose, definitions, collection, processing and disseminating data
- Monthly and annual IEA data: Coal, Oil, Gas, Electricity and Heat, Renewables
- The Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI)
- From energy statistics to energy balances
- Where and how to access IEA data
- Estimating carbon dioxide emissions
- Harmonization of energy statistics and definitions internationally
- Using data to build energy efficiency indicators
- Energy prices and taxes
See also Key World Energy Statistics, IEA data services, IEA Statistics for purchase at IEA Bookshop