Climate Change New IEA book addresses the role of electricity in meeting climate change goals 27 May 2011
World Energy Outlook Challenges of using ‘variable’ renewables in power systems are surmountable, IEA report says Analysis of eight case studies shows that greater technical potential exists than is commonly assumed 24 May 2011
Climate Change IEA report shows how to achieve dramatic energy savings in the buildings sector by 2050 16 May 2011
Transport Biofuels can provide up to 27% of world transportation fuel by 2050, IEA report says - IEA ‘roadmap’ shows how biofuel production can be expanded in a sustainable way, and identifies needed technologies and policy actions 20 April 2011
Smart Grids Widespread deployment of smart grids is critical for a secure, cost-effective and clean energy future, 04 April 2011
Norway IEA says Norway well-placed to make necessary investments for a low-carbon future 15 March 2011
News Former Dutch Minister Maria van der Hoeven named next Executive Director of the IEA -- <em>Term starts in September 2011</em> 11 March 2011
News IEA commends Belgium for improved energy security and encourages it to continue expanding public oil stocks 09 March 2011
Poland IEA commends Poland’s energy policy achievements and calls for greater focus on climate change, energy efficiency and decarbonisation of the power sector 02 March 2011
News Efforts in Cancun should encourage low-carbon energy solutions and lead to lower emission path without delay as Copenhagen pledges fall short 06 December 2010
News Recent policy moves a start, but much stronger action is needed to accelerate the transformation of the global energy system, says the latest IEA World Energy Outlook 09 November 2010
News The IEA ‘Clean Energy Technologies’ Symposium and the Launch of the IEA Policy Pathway ‘Energy Performance Certification of Buildings’ 02 November 2010
News New IEA Policy Pathways Series shows the way on how to substantially improve implementation of energy efficiency recommendations 11 October 2010
Czechia IEA commends the Czech Republic for energy security achievements and calls for greater focus on climate change and economic efficiency 07 October 2010
France IEA welcomes France’s commitment to combating climate change and urges the government to pursue electricity sector reforms 26 July 2010
News IEA encourages Turkey to further reform its energy sector and move towards a low-carbon economy 23 July 2010
News IEA sees the first early signs of an energy technology revolution underway across the globe but urges that much more needs to be done to achieve the necessary long-term CO2 cuts 01 July 2010
News IEA says outlook for oil and natural gas markets still uncertain, but both share need for more investment, improved energy efficiency and better data 23 June 2010
News IEA/CSLF Report to the Muskoka G8 Leaders’ Summit: Carbon Capture and Storage crucial for mitigating climate change 14 June 2010
Renewables IEA sees great potential for solar, providing up to a quarter of world electricity by 2050 11 May 2010