Spain IEA commends Spain for improvements in energy policy, but urges a stronger push towards a low-carbon economy 28 September 2009
News IEA proposes approaches to curb greenhouse gas emissions in the key sectors, industry and power 15 September 2009
News IEA commends Portugal on effective implementation of energy policy but cautions that further challenges remain 10 September 2009
News IEA says that G8 call for increased investment in energy supply, energy efficiency and low-carbon technology is timely and urgent 09 July 2009
News IEA calls oil and natural gas outlook very uncertain as economic crisis hits markets: Oil prices may be rebounding; Gas demand dips for first time in 50 years 29 June 2009
News IEA expects energy use by new electronic devices to triple by 2030 but sees considerable room for more efficiency 13 May 2009
Luxembourg IEA commends Luxembourg for clear improvements in energy policy, but urges stronger action on climate change and oil security 20 March 2009
News IEA convenes new Energy Business Council to assess impact of financial crisis on energy markets and share views on climate change and other pressing energy issues 10 March 2009
News IEA commends the Netherlands for its sound and sustainable energy policy, but calls for more focus on implementation to reach ambitious policy objectives 02 February 2009
Climate Change IEA calls for “Clean Energy New Deal” to stimulate global economy and combat climate change 08 December 2008
Indonesia IEA calls Indonesia a major player in global energy economy and praises increasingly progressive energy policies 21 November 2008
World Energy Outlook New energy realities: WEO calls for global energy revolution despite economic crisis 12 November 2008
News IEA urges a quick and global push to develop and deploy carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies 20 October 2008
Renewables To accelerate the exploitation of the large potential for renewable energy, IEA urges governments to adopt effective policies based on key design principles 29 September 2008
Natural Gas IEA urges overcoming investment uncertainties, cost increases and delays in natural gas markets to maintain security of supply 18 September 2008
European Union European Union is leading on climate change and energy policies, but needs to increase funding for energy research and development 04 September 2008
Oil Despite slowing oil demand, IEA sees continued market tightness over the medium term 01 July 2008
News IEA welcomes steps toward reform and integration in the Western Balkans and calls for strengthened institutions, policies and implementation 26 June 2008
Japan The IEA praises Japan’s commitment to and action on technology development and deployment across the globe, and urges the country to strengthen domestic energy and climate policies 09 June 2008