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IEA Executive Director Nobuo Tanaka attended the Ninth Meeting of APEC Energy Ministers held in Fukui, Japan on 19 June 2010. Twenty-one economies attended and they discussed energy security, energy efficiency and low-emission energy sources.
Mr. Tanaka took the lead speaker role in the energy security session, and proposed the IEA’s Joint Program with APEC on emergency policy, including Emergency Response Training, Emergency Response Exercise for APEC/ASEAN, Establishment of Emergency Contacts.
He also introduced the IEA joint work for the G20 on phasing out inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, and expressed the willingness to assist similar work in APEC.
Mr. Tanaka also intervened in other sessions to suggest possible IEA contributions to APEC economies in the area of energy efficiency and energy technology roadmap.
As an outcome, the Fukui Declaration on Low Carbon Paths to Energy Security was agreed and signed by the ministers. The Declaration has attached document “Instructions from APEC Energy Ministers,” which welcomed the IEA emergency response proposal and other contributions.
Mr. Tanaka also visited the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor, Monju, which recently restarted operation after a 14-year shutdown. He also test-drove the latest models of advanced vehicles.
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