Will a smarter grid lead to smarter end users - or vice versa?
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Meeting Scope
The workshop will focus on the potential benefits of smart grids for end-users and society at large, with the goal of identifying novel approaches and critical aspects for realising this potential as well as core R&D needs on this topic and similar areas that need attention. Examples of end user-applications, consumer segmentation and engagement schemes, and business models will be presented to illustrate state-of-the-art and examples of emerging international "best practice". Achieving the vision of smartening the grid between now and 2050 requires governments, research organisations, industry, the financial sector, consumer advocates, international organisations and other power sector stakeholders to work together.
Target Audience
In addition to EGRD national experts, we are seeking input from RD&D decision makers, strategic planners, and program managers from industry concerned with intelligent end-use and distributed energy technologies related to electrical grids. Participation is by invitation only.
IntroductionWelcome Fridtjof Unander, Research Council of Norway RationaleRob Kool, Chair EGRD, Netherlands Enterprise Agency IEA Smart Grids Technology Roadmap, ISGAN review of flexibility and Energy Technology Perspectives 2014Luis Munuera, International Energy Agency Energy21, strategy for energy research Lene Mostue, Energy21Moving towards the smart gridGrete Coldevin, Norwegian Smart Grid CentreSession 1: Benefits of smart-grid/ICT end-use innovationsResidential demand response - an iPower view on how it can contribute to a smart grid Henrik Bindner, Technical University of Denmark Smart grid gives new business possibilitiesDagfinn Wage, FoU & Innovasjon, Lyse energi, NorwayIntegration of electric transportation with smart gridsKari Mäki, VTT, Finland ISGAN - comprehensive/integrated viewMichael Hübner, AustriaSession 2: Barriers to realising benefitsWorld café: barriers and how they can be overcome Session 3: Insights into end-use behaviourPresentation from DSM "Closing the Loop"Rob Kool, The Netherlands Smart consumer, smart customer, smart citizensLudwig Karg, Germany Demo GotlandMonica Löf, VattenfallMarket, money and morals: understanding of Norwegian energy consumersAsne Godbolt Lund, Sintef, Norway Touchpoints and practices in the smart gridCecilia Katzeff, Interactive Institute Swedish ICTSession 4: Technology/software solutions and R&D prioritiesThe Netherlands experienceNicole Kerkhof, Netherlands Enterprise AgencyCharge flex, management of loading of electric vehiclesStig Odegaard Ottesen, NTNU/E-smart, Norway Ecogrid2015 - experience with energy management systems and customersMaja Felicia Bendtsen, Ostkraft, Denmark Session 5: Policy, markets, government interventionsEuropean Union smart grid initiativeHenrik Dam, DG EnergyIntelligent energy through flexibility across energy systems and activating flexibility in buildingsHelle Juhler-Verdoner, The Danish Intelligent Energy AllianceSmart community demonstrations - experiences in Japan Atsushi Kurosawa, The Institute of Applied Energy, Japan Do we really need to change to make the most of the benefits of DC? Pepijn van Willigenbrug, De Haagse Hogeschool, The NetherlandsLocal electricity retail markets for pro-sumer smart grid power servicesDieter Hierdes, EMPOWER