Towards clean and sustainable cooking - The outlook for electric cooking in Morocco
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Morocco has higher levels of access to clean cooking facilities than most African countries through the widespread use of butane. However, people living in rural areas who do not have access to the butane distribution system are more reliant on collected firewood. This not only exacerbates deforestation, but is also detrimental to their health and livelihoods. In addition, the heavily subsidised production and distribution of butane is a growing burden on Morocco’s budget and trade balance.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Number 7, "Clean and Affordable Energy", aims to achieve 100% electricity and clean cooking facilities access worldwide by 2030. The IEA is at the forefront to assess and analyse global efforts towards this goal and provides annual country data on access to electricity and clean cooking.
In this context, the “Sustainable Clean Cooking – The outlook for electric cooking in Morocco”, workshop, was an occasion for participants to discuss what role electric cooking could play in addressing the two parallel challenges: developing clean cooking solutions for rural families who rely on firewood, and reducing dependence on butane as a first step to progressive removal of subsidies. Read more about the workshop, or download workshop materials below.
This workshop was co-hosted by the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development, the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency and the International Energy Agency.
“Sustainable Clean Cooking – The outlook for electric cooking in Morocco” was organised within the scope of a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.