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The Role of Traceability in Critical Mineral Supply Chains: Launch Webinar

Paris Time
Report launch

Background information

This webinar will present the key findings of the report The Role of Traceability in Critical Mineral Supply Chains, a joint publication of the IEA and the OECD. The event will begin with welcome remarks from the Critical Minerals Working Party’s ESG Task Force, followed by a detailed presentation by the IEA Office of Legal Counsel and the OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct. Following the presentation, we will open the floor for Q&A.

This report delves into the importance of traceability in supporting key policy objectives in critical mineral supply chains, particularly for supporting sustainable and responsible practices. It offers an 8-step guide for policymakers looking to increase mineral traceability and delves into the effective components of a traceability system.


Welcome by Jeffrey Biggs, Director of International Affairs and Trade Division, Land and Minerals Sector, Natural Resources Canada

Presentation by:

  • K.C. Michaels, Félix Gagnon, Alex Hegarty, Joyce Raboca, IEA
  • Benjamin Katz, Luca Maiotti, Louis Maréchal, OECD Centre for Responsible Business Conduct


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