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Empowering Communities to Participate in Clean Energy

Paris Time
Webinar — Brussels, Belgium

At a time of rising misinformation and lack of trust in public institutions, direct engagement with local communities is often key to successful implementation of clean energy transitions.

This webinar, co-hosted with Consumers International as part of Consumers International’s Sustainable Lifestyles Summit, will explore practical examples of community-driven solutions and partnerships between policymakers and local stakeholders which have helped realise clean energy deployment objectives.

It will address the following questions:

  • How can policymakers work with community leaders and influencers to widen participation?
  • How can we address misinformation and build community trust in clean energy initiatives?
  • What are best practice examples of grassroots and civil society organisations successfully used to mobilise communities and increase participation in clean energy initiatives?
  • What best practices exist for effectively demonstrating the measurable socio-economic impacts of clean energy programmes to diverse local stakeholders, including those in sectors like health, education, and economic development? 

This event is part of a two-day closed-door workshop on ‘Widening Participation in Clean Energy,’ organised in collaboration with the European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, as part of the newly launched Clean Energy Ministerial Campaign on Sustainable Lifestyles, Fairness, and Access to Clean Energy Technologies.

This webinar will be publicly livestreamed on this page on the day.


Expert Panel Discussion

Moderator: Jane Cohen, Senior Programme Manager - People-Centred Clean Energy Transitions, IEA

  • Andriana Sukova – Deputy Director-General, DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, European Commission
  • Igor Rodrigues Britto – Executive Director, Brazilian Institute for Consumer Protection (IDEC)
  • Petra van der Aa – Expert Sustainability and Energy Transition, Consumentenbond (Dutch Consumer Association)
  • Laurens Rutten – Senior Policy Officer, BEUC The European Consumer Organisation
  • Halina Jagielska – Young Energy Consumer Task Force Manager, European Youth Energy Network
  • Sam Hampton – Acting Energy Programme Deputy Lead, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford
  • Laury Haytayan – Middle East & North Africa Director, Natural Resource Governance Institute
  • Aggeliki Aggeli – Architect & Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of the Built Environment, Aalborg University