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The Role of Energy Efficiency in COVID Stimulus Packages

Paris Time

Webinar recording

Background information

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has required governments to focus virtually all their efforts and resources on protecting the health and well-being of their citizens. Rightly so: health is the first and most immediate priority. At the same time, leaders are also facing the economic impact of the crisis and thinking ahead to strategies for stimulating their economies once the pandemic is brought under control and activity can ramp back up.

For these strategies, governments will be looking at the very immediate future: how to create jobs and boost economies now. There have been many calls to make clean energy technologies a key part of stimulus packages. This makes complete sense. Stimulus goals align very well with wider clean energy goals, and investment in all fields of clean energy can deliver great opportunities to increase employment and economic activity.

Energy efficiency offers many win-win opportunities – labour-intensive projects that start quickly and are rooted in local supply chains such as construction and manufacturing. Putting such projects in stimulus programmes can support existing workforces and create new jobs.

Energy efficiency brings other major benefits: it improves the economic competitiveness of countries and businesses, makes energy more affordable for consumers – and, of course, reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

In this webinar, we will hear from energy sector leaders across government, industry, and finance on the important role of energy efficiency in economic stimulus packages for creating jobs, driving economic growth, improving energy affordability, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The discussion will be followed by a moderated Q&A. Please join us to learn more about this important topic, share your views, and contribute to the IEA’s ongoing work in this area.


  • Josué Tanaka, Managing Director for Operational Strategy and Planning, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Andrew McAllister, Commissioner of the California Energy Commission
  • Ingrid Reumert, Vice President of Global Communications, Public Affairs, and Sustainability at Velux