Technology Platform Training Workshop: IEA Technology Roadmap methodologies
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Project summary/agenda
Workshop output summary
Workshop presentations
Session 1 - Introduction to roadmaps:
- Introduction , Boris Reutov, NBIK-Center Deputy Director, RNC Kurchatov Institute, Deputy Chair of INTER RAO S&T Council, Bioenergy TP coordinator
- Roadmap introduction, Cecilia Tam, IEA
Session 2 - Roadmap scope:
- TP Environmentally clean power generation of high efficiency and roadmaps developed by it – presented by Nikolay Rogalev, Deputy Managing Director of the Foundation “Energy without borders”, Director of TP “Environmentally clean power generation of high efficiency
- TP Bioenergy presented by Boris Reutov, NBIK-Center Deputy Director, RNC Kurchatov Institute, Bioenergy TP coordinator
- IEA experience for technology roadmapping at the international and the national level – Bionergy, Anselm Eisentraut, IEA
- IEA experience for technology roadmapping at the international and the national level – CCS and Cleaner Coal, Ellina Levina, IEA
Session 3 - Development of roadmap milestones:
No presentations were given.