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Roundtable on the Macroeconomic Impacts of Energy Efficiency Improvements

Workshop — Paris, France


This workshop was the first step in the latest phase of the IEA study on Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency – a study which seeks to broaden the discussion of energy efficiency policy as part of wider economic and socioeconomic strategy. The IEA Energy Efficiency Unit began this study by considering the many impacts delivered by energy efficiency, identifying 15 key benefits frequently cited in studies, which merit further investigation. An Insights Paper published in May 2012 provides a preliminary assessment of this topic and these benefits.

The Energy Efficiency Unit is now starting in-depth study of five selected benefit areas –

  • macro-economic benefits and jobs;
  • health;
  • industrial productivity and competitiveness;
  • energy provider and consumer benefits; and
  • public budget impacts.

A series of expert round-table discussions focusing on each benefit category will guide this work, in order to share experience, discuss issues and challenges, and identify and assemble good practice approaches for each benefit category. The Roundtable on the Macroeconomic and Employment Impacts of Energy Efficiency will feature sessions focused on issues and challenges of estimating the macroeconomic impacts of energy efficiency improvements at the economy-wide and sectoral levels as well as consideration of the practical aspects involved in using modelling results for policy evaluation. The roundtable will be invited to consider how models such as the OECD Environmental Linkages model, now being used to calculate the macroeconomic impacts of the IEA’s Efficient World Scenario in the just-released World Energy Outlook 2012, can be used to assess the multiple benefits of energy efficiency.


Thursday, 24th January 

Didier Houssin, Director, Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology, IEA

The IEA Efficient World Scenario
Timur Guel, IEA

Modelling the global economic impacts of energy efficiency – lessons from the IEA Efficient World Scenario
Jean Chateau OECD Environment Directorate, Climate Change, Biodiversity and Development Division 

Macroeconomic impacts of energy efficiency policies Terry Barker, Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Cambridge 

Multiple benefits of investing in energy efficient renovation of buildings Sigurd Naess-Schmidt, Copenhagen Economics 

Economy-wide impacts of energy efficiency in Germany Ulrike Lehr, GWS mbH

Modelling the macroeconomic benefits of the Energy Efficiency Directive
Unnada Chewpreecha, Cambridge Econometrics

Friday, 25th January 

Options for accounting and modelling energy-economy interactions: a macroeconomic vs sectoral basis : Karen Turner, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Impact of the German Government’s Building Rehabilitation Program on Public Budgets: Wilhelm Kuckshinrichs, Institute for Energy and Climate Research,  Research Centre Jülich

Utilization of the Three-ME (Multi-sector Macroeconomic Model for the Evaluation of Environmental and Energy policy) to model the macroeconomic benefits of Grenelle II Dr. Gaël Callonnec, ADEME, France

Estimating the jobs and macroeconomic benefits of a national building renovation programme in HungarySergio Tirado-Hererro, Center for Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy (3CSEP)

Estimating the macroeconomic benefits of energy efficiency for the industrial sector: Skip Laitner, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy

Incorporating economic modeling results into energy efficiency ex ante evaluations : Prashant Vaze, Consultant

Assessing the macroeconomic benefits of a targeted energy efficiency policy:  Mikael Skou Andersen, European Environment Agency

Economic Analysis of Residential and Small-Business Energy E¬fficiency ImprovementsJim Scheer, Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland

Canada’s Integrated Energy & Macroeconomic modeling of energy efficiency gains over time
John Appleby, Office of Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada

Estimating the macroeconomic benefits of the Green Deal in conformance with the UK Green Book framework:
Sam Thomas, UK Department of Energy and Climate Change