Roundtable: Carbon Capture and Storage Perspectives in Ukraine
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The International Energy Agency (IEA) is the leading international source of analysis and information on energy technology solutions for climate change. It has developed a series of technology roadmaps that identify key technology, policy, financing, and public awareness milestones for a suite of important climate change mitigation technologies. One of the most important technologies for international collaboration is carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS), which the IEA believes will need to deliver fully one-fifth of the necessary greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions to achieve global GHG stabilization by 2050.
Ukraine could become an important partner given its well-established coal industry, technical expertise and an interest in identifying new clean coal technologies. The IEA seeks to engage key stakeholders from the government, business and NGO sectors in Ukraine to facilitate discussions on global CCS development and possible CCS-related R&D in Ukraine.
And supported by:
Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine
Donetsk Municipal Council
Donetsk Regional State Administration
Agenda (Russian Version )
List of Participants (Russian Version)
Summary (Summary Russian Version )
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
The meeting will be moderated by:
Irina Verbitskaya, DTEK
Juho Lipponen, Head, Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Unit, IEA
Welcome Address
Vladimir N. Ishkov, Head of Department of Industry and Infrastructure, Donetsk Regional Administration
Yuri Ryzhenkov, Executive Director, DTEK
Juho Lipponen, Head, CCS Unit, International Energy Agency
Session I: Setting the Stage
Global Energy Outlook and the Role of Clean Coal Technologies (Russian Version - Keith Burnard)
Keith Burnard, Senior Energy Analyst, IEA
Carbon Capture and Storage: Potential, Progress and Challenges (Russian Version - Juho Lipponen
Juho Lipponen, Head, Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Unit, IEA
CCS Projects and Kyoto Protocol: Perspectives in Ukraine (Russian Version - UK National Agency)
Natalia Kushko, National Agency for Ecological Investment
Session II: Role of CCS Latest Technology Developments
Carbon Capture and Storage: A Technology Overview (Russian Version - Juho Lipponen)
Juho Lipponen, Head, Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Unit, IEA
CO2 storage: estimates, challenges, needs (Russian Version - Neil Wildgust)
Neil Wildgust, IEAGHG
Session III: Policy, Regulation, Cost, Incentives
Incentives for CCS, regulatory requirements (Russian Version)
Ellina Levina, Energy Analyst, IEA
Key Environmental Challenges for NAK Ukraine Thermal Power Stations (Russian Version - Yuriy Trofimenko)
Yuriy Trofimenko, Energy Company NAK Ukraine
Incentives and regulations for CCS in the EU
Hans Rhein, Head of Operation Section Energy, Transport and Environment, Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine
Session IV: Opportunities for CCS in Ukraine
Clean Coal and CCS Technology Perspectives in Ukrainian Heat Power Industry (Russian Version)
Igor Volchin, Institute of Coal Technologies
French Experience in CCS Project Development: Perspectives in Ukraine (Russian Version)
Aurelien Leynet, Bureau of Geological and Mineral Research, France
Nikolay Shestavin, Donetsk National University
Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery with CCS: Limitations and Possibilities (Russian Version - Frank van Bergen )
Frank van Bergen, TNO Energy - National Geological Survey
Private sector perspective
Irina Verbitskaya, DTEK
Session V: International Co-operation in CCS
CCS projects around the world - Knowledge sharing experience (Russian Version)
Bob Pegler, GCCSI
Public-private partnerships on CCS R&DD
Demetris Koufos and Sergiy Maslichenko, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development
Closing Remarks, Conclusions
Juho Lipponen, Head, Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Unit, IEA
Irina Verbitskaya, DTEK