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Road Freight in Brazil: Driving forward with efficiency


Background Information

The transport sector is responsible for 33% of Brazil’s final energy consumption, 40% of which is accounted for by freight. The Brazilian freight sector is heavily dependent on roads, and in particular Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDVs). Decreasing the energy intensity of the sector therefore has a range of potential benefits for energy demand, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Opportunities for the freight sector

How can policy makers in Brazil improve the energy efficiency and use of alternative fuels in the freight sector to help mitigate the sector’s impact? The following webinar looks at these issues. Drawing from a recent report produced by the Brazilian Energy Research Office (EPE) in collaboration with the IEA. The webinar will unpack the findings of the analysis which benchmarks the evolution of the road freight sector in Brazil against those of several other large economies. The webinar will examine the factors that have contributed to changing energy demand from a technology and policy perspective, and provide case studies and policy recommendations in relation to improving energy efficiency. 

The webinar will include simultaneous translation between Portuguese and English.

This webinar will last 80 minutes. 


CET 15.00 to 16.20

15.00-15.05 Welcome and remarks - Samira Sana (Ministry of Mines and Energy)

15.05-15.10 IEA remarks - Brian Motherway (International Energy Agency)

15.10-15.15 Introduction – webinar protocol - Jack Miller (International Energy Agency)

15.15-15.25 Brazil’s Energy landscape and Forecasts - Heloisa Borges (Brazilian Energy Research Office)

15.25-15.40 Brazilian Road Freight Indicators, History and current policies - Bruno Stukart (Brazilian Energy Research Office)

15.40 -15.55 Case studies, comparison of Brazilian and International indicators and policy recommendations - Alison Pridmore (International Energy Agency)

15.55 to 16.20 Question and Answers