Renewable Energies for Manufacturing Industries (REMI)
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Session 1: Setting the scene
Topics: Welcome and workshop introduction; Project’s scope, objectives, timeline and engagement possibilities; IRENA Remap 2030 study; The Chinese context.
Cedric Philibert (IEA, RED): Introducing REMI Workshop
Araceli Fernandez (IEA, ETP): Renewable energy use in industry within the 2DS
Deger Saygin (IRENA): Remap 2030: Renewables for manufacturing industries
Yanjia Wang (Tsinghua University): Renewables for manufacturing industries in China
Session 2: Solar Thermal
Topics: Further solar thermal deployment potentials, successful business models.
Christoph Brunner (AEE/SHC Task 49): Solar Heat for Industrial Processes
Manuela Ojan (Italcementi): Solar Power and new concrete applications: a pilot plant in Morocco
Kevin Mozas (Sunti): A business model to boost solar heat into industrial processes
Session 3: Bioenergy
Topics: Fuel switching options to sustain core processes and captive utilities, and biomass-based feedstock process routes: potential and interplay with other bioenergy uses.
Adam Brown (IEA, RED): Bioenergy
Thore Berntsson (Chalmers University of Technology): Biomass in Industry – How, When and Why?
Marc Roquette (Roquette Group):
Kees Kwant (Economic Affairs, NL/Bioenergy IA): A Biorefinery approach
Session 4: Renewable Electricity Use
Topics: Distributed hydropower, wind and PV vs. grid procurement. Processes for further electrification of industry (Heat pumps, mechanical vapour recompression, Foucault currents, plasma torches, micro-waves, lasers, electric arcs…)
Christoph Crocombette (Electricité de France): A path to the electrification of the world industries
Hans ten Berge (Eurelectric): oral testimony
Jean-Jacques Marchais (Schneider Electric): Integrating renewable electrical energy in industry
Bill Gould (SolarReserve, USA): Solar applications for industries
Session 5: How industry can help integrate variable renewables
Topics: Distributed vs. grid procurement; process curtailment options; flexibility on different time-scales.
Nicola Riga (Confederation of European Paper Industries): Thinking outside the box: New perspectives on industrial demand side flexibility
Yongning Chi (State Grid Corporation of China): Challenges and industries electrification Impacts on large Renewable Integration in China
Alban de la Selle (Energy Pool) : Energy Storage
Thomas Jezdinsky (European Copper Institute) : IndustRE – Project Overview.