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RD&D Needs for Energy System Climate Preparedness and Resilience

Workshop — Utrecht, Netherlands


The focus of this workshop is the technology RD&D aspects related to climate resilience of the energy system. The aim is to address a range of climate trends (e.g. increasing air and water temperatures, decreasing freshwater availability, and increasing intensity and frequency of storm events, flooding and sea level rise) and how these trends might impact both energy supply and demand. 

With input from speakers representing various sectors and regions, the workshop will result in a summary that identifies climate change challenges, highlights a broad sampling of activities underway in various countries and industries, and identifies high-priority gaps and opportunities for RD&D planners.   

Particular emphasis has been placed on opportunities for accelerating technical progress and cost reductions.  The workshop builds on previous work of the EGRD with input from selected experts from the IEA’s Climate-Energy Security Nexus Forum, and representatives from the IEA Energy Technology Network – Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT), Working Parties, Experts’ Groups, and the Implementing Agreements. 


Workshop summary  

Proceedings and presentations:

Introductions and meeting objectives

Rob Kool
Manager, Chair EGRD, NL AgencyOpening remarks Robert Marlay
Vice-Chair EGRD, U.S. Department of EnergyOVERVIEW OF ENERGY SECTOR VULNERABILITIES TO CLIMATE CHANGEIEA Energy Security Nexus Forum InitiativeTakashi Hattori
Unit Head, Environment and Climate Change Unit, International Energy AgencyEnergy Preparedness and Resilience: A Netherlands Perspective Pieter Boot
Head of Department, Netherlands Environmental Assessment AgencyU.S. Energy Sector Vulnerabilities to Climate Change and Extreme WeatherCraig Zamuda
Senior Advisor, Office of Climate Change Policy and Technology, U.S. Department of EnergyClimate Impacts on Renewable Resources in the Nordic CountriesArni Snorrason
Director-General, Icelandic Meteorological OfficeENERGY PRODUCTION AND CLIMATE RESILIENCE STRATEGIESIntegrating Climate Resilience in Renewable Energy Investments in the North Sea AreaKirsten Halsnaes
DTU Management Engineering, Technical University of DenmarkOil and Gas Production Jan Dell
Supply Chain Sustainability, ConocoPhillips, United StatesRD&D Activities, Gaps and Opportunities: Electricité de France PerspectiveJean-Yves Caneill
Head of Climate Policy, Electricité de FranceThermoelectric Power Plants Brent Dorsey
United States Department of Energy

Climate Change and the Electricity Infrastructure: exploring why, where, how and when to adapt

P.J. Dijkema
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft, The NetherlandsNear Future Challenges for R&D in the District Heating and Cooling SectorIngo Weidlich
Forschung und Entwicklung, GermanyRD&D ACTIVITIES UNDERWAY AND PRIORITY GAPS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE AND PREPAREDNESSRD&D Activities, Gaps and Opportunities: Water and EnergyIpo Ritsema
Director, Deltares, The NetherlandsRD&D Activities, Gaps and Opportunities: IEA perspective Christelle Verstraeten
Analyst, International Energy AgencyRD&D Activities, Gaps and Opportunities: energy and water nexus - US perspectiveDavid Hunter
Electric Power Research Institute, United StatesRD&D activities, Gaps and Opportunities: wind and electric gridsPeter Vaessen
Principal Consultant, DNV GL GroupRD&D Activities, Gaps and Opportunities: Nuclear Power: OECD NEA perspective Henri Paillere
OECD Nuclear Energy AgencyFRAMEWORK FOR ACCELERATING RD&D INVESTMENT IN CLIMATE RESILIENT ENERGY TECHNOLOGIESBarriers and Investment for Future Investment - IEA perspectiveTakashi Hattori
Unit Head, Environment and Climate Change Unit, International Energy AgencyBarriers and Opportunities for Future Investment - U.S. PerspectiveCraig Zamuda
Senior Advisor, Office of Climate Change Policy and Technology, U.S. Department of EnergySYNTHESIS AND CONCLUSIONS