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Presentation: Advancing Materials Research for Power Generation

Webinar — Paris, France


‌‌This is meeting organised under the auspices of the IEA Fusion Power Co-ordinating Committee (FPCC). The objective of the FPCC is to enhance fusion research, development, demonstration and deployment (RDD&D) activities with a strategic approach to realising fusion energy in both IEA member countries and key Partner countries. The FPCC accomplishes this objective by promoting, initiating and co-ordinating international co-operation on fusion carried out under the fusion-related energy technology initiatives, formally organised through an Implementing Agreement.

Concept note and Agenda

Speakers and Moderators

Participants List

Setting the Scene: In Preparation for DEMO
Thomas Vanek, Chair, Fusion Power Co-ordinating Committee

Materials for Nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactors
Dr. Richard Kamandje, Physics Section, International Atomic Energy Agency

Advanced Steels, Structural Materials, and High Heat Flux Components
Dr. Michael Rieth, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Project Leader of WPMAT, EUROfusion Consortium

Recent Advances in Materials Research for Nuclear Fusion
Dr. Pete Pappano, Chair, Implementing Agreement for a Programme of Research and Development of Fusion Materials

Introduction and Update on Fusion Materials Research in the United States
Update on Fusion Materials Research in Korea
Developments in Europe
Update on Fusion Materials Research in India 
Update on Fusion Materials Research in China

Nuclear Science and Materials for Advanced Fuel Cycles and Nuclear Waste Transmutation
Dr. Concetta Fazio, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Transuranium Elements, Materials Research Unit, European Commission

Roundtable Discussion
Moderator: Mr. Thomas Vanek, FPCC Chair

Closing Comments
Mr. Thomas Vanek, FPCC Chair