Plenary Meeting of the Electricity Security Advisory Panel
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How can electricity markets be designed in order to ensure efficient and timely investment in adequate generation and network infrastructure?
- What actions are needed to better integrate and coordinate regional electricity markets? How can efficient integration of high shares of variable renewable energy and resource adequacy be ensured over large areas with multiple jurisdictions?
- What implication does the large-scale deployment of renewables have on the functioning of existing regulatory and market arrangements? Looking ahead, will electricity markets deliver the low-carbon investments needed to transition to low-carbon electricity systems?
The results of this event workshop will provide an essential contribution to the IEA activities on electricity security and market design. The meeting will be informal in nature and held under the Chatham House Rule. Each session will be introduced by invited members of the advisory panel and followed by a roundtable discussion. Attendance is by invitation only.
Related Links:
Announcement of the launch of the Electricity Security Advisory Panel
Programme and Presentations
Keynote speech: John R. Norris, Commissioner, FERC, United States
Session 1: Aligning reliability and market frameworks
Moderator: Hans Ten Berge, Secretary General, Eurelectric
- Yuki Sadamitsu, Director of Industrial Research JETRO/Special advisor to METI, Japan
- Pierre-Marie Abadie, Director Energy, DGEC, France
- Andrew Ott, Senior Vice President Markets, PJM, United States
Session 2: Working together to integrate power markets
Moderator: John R. Norris, Commissioner, FERC, United States
- Mikael Lundin, CEO Nordpool Spot, Norway
- Alan Robinson, Board Member, RWE Supply & Trading, UK
Keynote speech: Inge Bernaerts, DG Energy, European Commission
Session 3: Market design and renewables
Moderator: Simone Mori, Executive Vice President, ENEL Spa, Italy
- Dominique Maillard, Chairman of the Management Board, RTE, France
- Richard McMahon, Vice-President, EEI, United States
- Richard Smith, Head of Strategy & Policy, National Grid, UK
Session 4: Panel debate on low carbon investments: what role for markets?
Moderator: Laszlo Varro, Head of Gas, Coal and Power Markets Division, IEA