Outlook for Producer Economies: presentation
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Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CET
Speakers: Tim Gould and Ali Al-Saffar
What do changing energy dynamics mean for the world’s largest oil and gas exporters? A new special report, part of the IEA’s flagship World Energy Outlook series, focuses on six key producers, Iraq, Nigeria, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates & Venezuela, and examines the pressures that they face in different price and policy scenarios to 2040. The drive for energy efficiency and the long-term response to climate change, in addition to technology innovation and the shale revolution, all point to sustained pressure on economies that rely heavily on revenue from oil and gas.
In this webinar, the report’s main authors will present its key findings and also respond to questions and comments, submitted either online during the event or in advance by email to WEO@iea.org.
The report itself is available to download here.