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Monitoring Progress towards a Clean Energy Economy



Summary Report

Day 1

Meeting Objectives
Rob Kool, Chair, Expert’s Group; Manager, International Sustainable Development,
NL Agency (Netherlands)

Opening Remarks
Ambassador Richard Jones, Deputy Executive Director

IEA Tools & Analysis to Accelerate the Clean Energy Technology Revolution: Energy Technology Perspectives 2012
Lew Fulton, Head, Energy Technology Policy

Monitoring & Evaluating Progress in Developing Deploying & Low-Carbon Technologies
Antonia Gawel, Analyst, Energy Technology Policy

Developing a Framework For Monitoring Progress: Challenges and Opportunities
Robert Marlay, Director, Climate Change Policy and Technology, Department of Energy (United States)

Energy Technology Perspectives: Blue Map Scenario: Goals, Targets and Assumptions
Uwe Remme, Analyst, Energy Technology Policy


Moderator: Birte Holst-Jorgensen

Solar PV and Concentrating Solar Power
Wim Sinke, Programme & Strategy Solar Energy, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands

Wind Power
Birte Holst-Jorgensen and Sascha Schroeder, Systems Analysis, Risø DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy (Denmark)

Biofuels and Biomass Power
Josef Spitzer, Professor, Graz University of Technology, Member (Austria), Bioenergy Implementing Agreement

a) Geological CO₂ Sequestration: Prognosis as a Clean Energy Strategy
Fedora Quattrocchi, Geological Storage & Geothermics, INGV University Tor Vergata

b) CO₂ Capture and Separation: Technology Costs and Progress Charles Taylor, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Department of Energy (United States)

Day 2

Moderator: Herbert Greisberger, Austrian Energy Institute

Energy Efficient Buildings -- Focus on Heating & Cooling Equipment
Rod Janssen, Head, Buildings, European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (France)

Energy Efficient Residential Appliances
Frank Klinckenberg, Klinckenberg Consultants (Netherlands)


Moderator: Ugo Farinelli, Italian Association of Energy Economics
Energy Storage - Batteries
Dr. Andy Chu, Vice President, Marketing and Communications, A123 Systems

Russ Conklin, Policy Analyst, Office of Policy and Intl. Affairs, Department of Energy (United States)


Moderator: Bob Marlay, U.S. Department of Energy

Performance Metrics Framework: Synthesis and Opportunities
John Peterson, Program Analysis and Evaluation, Department of Energy (United States)

European Union SET-Plan -- Monitoring and Review Framework
Estathios Peteves, Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy, European Commission

Open Discussion
With the goal of providing a Workshop Report and timely input to IEA, first, for the CEM Progress Report and, second, for a longer-term framework of enhanced progress monitoring metrics, what have we learned regarding the Questions below?
Moderator, with Members of the EGRD and Guests

Objective 1 -- Input to Progress Report
Compared to ETP Blue Map scenarios, from present day to 2050, which technologies appear to be making progress as expected, and which are not?
What are the major barriers to inhibiting greater development and deployment? Can these be characterized by categories, such as: (a) policy; (b) socio-economic; and © technical and/or cost?
What would be the most important messages for the audience (IEA Member Countries, Clean Energy Ministers, etc.)?
What are the most important actions that IEA Member Countries might take to address barriers?
For technical and cost-reduction barriers, what are the most fruitful areas or opportunities for enhanced R&D cooperation to address technologies that are not progressing as expected?

Objective 2 -- Enhanced Metrics Framework
What metrics are most meaningful and indicative of progress, and can they form a real-time set of leading indicators that would signal need for action
What are the elements of an effective, integrated framework for monitoring, evaluating and communicating progress on key technologies?
What lessons can be learned from the private sector, or from public-private partnerships in monitoring progress on technology development and commercialization?
What approaches are most effective in communicating results to inform decision-making, feed into the prioritization or restructuring of research investments and related policies, and achieve desired outcome?

Wrap-Up, Summary, and Next Steps
Moderator, and Craig Zamuda, Office of Policy and International Affairs, Department of Energy (United States)

Workshop Conclusion
Rob Kool, Manager, International Sustainable Development, NL Agency (Netherlands)