Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action Energy Day
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Time: 10:00 - 13:00
The energy sector is changing at an unparalleled speed and is reshaping economies, societies and markets. The momentum is accelerating, but a decisive shift is at an early stage. This session will discuss where we are today, reflect on priorities for action and discuss how we meet those priorities.
Moderator session 3: Caroline Lee, Energy Policy Analyst, IEA
H.R.H. Princess Abze Djigma, CEO, Abze Solar
Joeri Regelj, Lecturer in Climate Change and the Environment, Grantham Institute for Climate Change, Imperial College London
- Josh Karliner, International Director of Program and Safety. Healthcare Without Harm
- Arash Aazami, Founder, Kamanger
- Jérôme Schmitt, Chair of Executive Committee, Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI)
- Tanja Vainio, Country Managing Director Czech Republic and Slovakia, ABB Astria Fataki, President, Energy Generation (tbc)
- Kaveh Guillanpour, Climate Change Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Marshall Islands (tbc)
- Szymon Bylinski, Director of Innovation and Technology Development Department, Ministry of Environment, Poland
- Sayda Rodríguez Gómez, Secretary of Urban Development and Environment, Yucatan, Mexico
- Fahed Al Hammadi, Acting Assistant Undersecretary for Climate change and Green Development, Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, UAE
- Ragna Árnadóttir, Deputy CEO, Landsvirkjun
- Andreas Ahrens, Head of Climate & Energy, IKEA Group
- Roman Kramarchuk, Head of Global Energy Policy & Technology, S&P Global Platts