Market-based Instruments for Energy Efficiency – Policy Choice and Design for the Energy Transition
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The workshop took place as part of the IEA’s current in-depth analysis for the G7 on the design of market-based instruments (MBIs) for the delivery of energy efficiency. This study examines market mechanisms and economic instruments such as auctions and tenerdering programmes, utility obligations and white certificates. It analyses the choices that policy-makers face and the key factors behind successful programme design and implementation in different contexts.
The event provided the opportunity to present the initial finding of this study and formed the basis of broader discussions on the place of market-based instruments in the energy efficiency policy mix.
The workshop focused during the first half on global best practices for market-based instruments and the strategic choices around policy instruments in the energy transition, with presentations from policy makers, academics and industry representatives from across the world. The second half was dedicated to a more detailed discussion on the issues policy-makers are facing on obligation and auctions, and on monitoring, verification and evaluation.
Presentation of the initial findings of the IEA’s analysis on Market-based Instruments (MBI)
Samuel Thomas International Energy Agency (IEA)
Jan Rosenow, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
Session 1: MBIs around the world – an overview of lessons learned
1.1 Elodie Trauchessec, ADEME (France)
1.2 Ricardo Gorini, Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (Brazil)
1.3 Molin Huo, State Grid (China) – video link
1.4 Richard Cowart, RAP (United States)
Session 2: The role of MBIs in the energy efficiency policy framework
2.1 Barbara Schlomann, Fraunhofer ISI (Germany)
2.2 Nikolaj Rasmussen, DEA (Denmark)
2.3 Naoko Doi, Institute of Energy Economics (Japan)
2.4 Claire Amaladoss & Christopher Hunt, BEIS (UK)
Session 3: Designing MBIs well: Energy efficiency obligation and White Certificates issues
3.1 Steve Nadel, ACEEE (US) – video link
3.2 Tadeusz Skoczkowski, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)
3.3 Alberto Jr. Pela, GSE (Italy)
Session 4: Delivering MBIs well: Energy efficiency auction and capacity auction issues
4.1 Ivan König, Swiss Federal Office of Energy (Switzerland)
4.2 David Lerch, BMWi (Germany)
4.3 Jose Sousa, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (Portugal)
4.4 Yingqi Liu, Oxford University (UK)
Session 5: Governance and Monitoring, Verification and Evaluation (MVE)
5.1 Frank Hemmes, Ofgem (UK)
5.2 Kevin Cooney, Navigant