Launch of the IEA’s Energy Efficiency Indicators Online Training for South Africa
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Data and indicators are key to designing, tracking and improving energy efficiency policies and programmes. Defining and collecting these indicators, however, can be challenging. This is particularly true in the field of energy efficiency, which cuts across all sectors of the economy, and often straddles across the jurisdiction of national, state and local governments.
Dedicating resources to defining and collecting these indicators is critical to ensure that the many benefits of energy efficiency are visible, building support and improving policy development and implementation. For this reason, the IEA has developed two free online courses that provide the necessary tools for analysts and policy makers to prioritise and develop energy efficiency indicators:
- Energy Efficiency Indicators: Fundamentals on Statistics
- Energy Efficiency Indicators: Essentials for Policy Making
Each course focuses on four sectors: residential, services, industry, and transportation and requires approximately 10 hours to complete.