International experiences in contributing to the Chinese National ETS
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Time: 9:30-11:00
Cyril Cassisa, IEA Senior Analyst, Carbon Markets
It’s the first year after the official launch of Chinese National ETS, what are the status quo and actual achievements, what are the real challenges and barriers in the process and way forward, how international experiences have been contributed to this process in curbing problems, where could be further improved? Speakers and panelists from key stakeholders of ETS will be invited to share their insights, knowledge and suggestions based on their actual engagements with ETSs in China and the world.
Moderator: Min Li, IETA China Representative
9:30-9:35 Opening Address: MEE
Key Tasks and Enforcement Design of National ETS in the National Strategy and Plan of Low Carbon
9:35-9:50 Keynote Speech: Prof. Zhang Xiliang, Tsinghua University
Key Tasks Deployment, Challenges and Outlook of National ETS in the Context of Low Carbon
9:50-10:50 Panel Discussion: Prof. Zhang Xiliang
- Cyril Cassisa IEA
- Gao Zhengqi China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)
- Liv Rathe Norsk Hydro Ltd
- Xie Xi TNC
- Kamesh Lyer RWE Power AG
- Federico Di Credico ACT
10:50-11:00 Conclusion: Dirk Forrister, President & CEO IETA