International Conference on Bioenergy in Russia
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In the news
“The International Energy Agency collaborates with the Kurchatov Institute on Bioenergy”
For more information, please also refer to the Russian Bioenergy Technology Platform website at
International speakers presentations:
Session 1: Welcome and opening session
Keynote speech by Ulrich Benterbusch, Director of Global Energy Dialogue, International Energy Agency
Session 2: Perspectives on Bioenergy in Russia and worldwide
- Adam Brown, International Energy Agency
Session 3: Global and regional market and policy perspectives for Bioenergy
- Josef Spitzer, IEA Bioenergy Implementing Agreement
- Arnaldo Walter, University of Campinos-UNICAMP, Brazil
- Mikael Nordlander, Vattenfall, Sweden
Session 4: The use of biomass and wastes for bioenergy: international experience and applications in Russia
- Adam Brown, Senior analyst, International Energy Agency
- Georgiy Geletukha, Scientific Engineering Centre «Biomass» Ltd., Ukraine
Session 5: Barriers and opportunities for Bio-Energy project development in Russia (investment, policy, regional issues)
- Anton Chernyshev, PhD, Program expert, IFC Russian Renewable Energy Programme (Russian version)
Session 6: Administration and follow-up activities
- Ulrich Benterbusch, Global Energy Dialogue, International Energy Agency