International CHP/DHC Workshop
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Day 1 (12 Feb) - CHP / DHC: The Obstacles Documents
Introduction to Clean Energy Ministerial CHP/DHC Working Group
Pentti Puhakka, Energy Dpt. Ministry of Employment and the Economy Finland
Introduction to IEA International CHP/DHC Collaborative
Cecilia Tam, Energy Demand Technology Unit Head, IEA
CHP and District Energy: Policy perspective
Combined Heat & Power
Kees den Blanken, Cogen Nederland
District Heating & Cooling
Sabine Froning, EuroHeat & Power Director
CHP and District Energy: The Private sector view
Large scale CHP
Geraldine Roy, Siemens Industrial Turbomahinery, Proposals Manager
District Heating & Cooling
Marko Riipinen, Helsinki Energy, DHC Director
CHP and District Energy: Countries snapshot (I)
Graziella Siciliano, US Department of Energy
Esa Hyvärinen, Fortum Oyj
Seita Shimizu, Energy Systems Department, Japan Gas Association
Daniel Friberg, Energy Analysis Department, Swedish Energy Agency
CHP and DHC statistics
Pekka Loesoenen, European Commission, Eurostat-Energy Statistics
Day 2 (13 Feb) - CHP / DHC: Steps Forward
Proposed CHP/DHC Work Programme
Clean Energy Ministerial CHP/DHC Working Group work programme
Satu Helynen, Vice President, Professor R&D, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
IEA Collaborative Phase III (2013-2014) Work Programme Proposal
Araceli Fernandez, Energy Technology Analyst, IEA