Important message for WDS users

The IEA has discontinued providing data in the Beyond 2020 format (IVT files and through WDS). Data is now available through the .Stat Data Explorer, which also allows users to export data in Excel and CSV formats.

InterEnerStat Meeting

Workshop — Paris, France





To define the international energy statistics community contribution to strengthening energy efficiency monitoring globally


To discuss and agree on next steps on:

a)      How partner organizations can move towards common data reporting

b)     How to advance training and capacity building

c)      Steps to raise profile and resources


Opening session

Welcome, purpose and objectives, Duncan Millard, IEA

Session 1: Policy drivers for end-use data
Chair: Duncan Millard, International Energy Agency

The importance of end-use data for policy, Elie Bellevrat, IEA
Indicators and SDGs at the OECD, Simon Scott, OECD
The UN SDG indicators process: update on energy, Ralf Becker, UNSD
Energy efficiency data in the SE4ALL Global Tracking Framework, Ivan Jaques, World Bank

Session 2: Energy end-use data collection: existing and planned international activities
Chair: Masazumi Hirono, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre

Urszula Ziebinska, IEA
Yusuke Kimura, APEC 
Cristian Fetie, Eurostat 
Atef Marzouk, AFREC
Didier Bosseboeuf, ADEME
Ralf Becker, UNSD 
Paola Carrera, OLADE 
Hossein Hassani, OPEC 
Shigeru Kimura, ERIA 


Session 3: Global efforts to enhance energy efficiency dialogue
Chair: Paola Carrera, OLADE

A new G20 data initiative on end-use and efficiency data, Isabelle Vincent, ADEME
The ECLAC experience, Andres Schuschny, UN ECLAC
Ralf Becker, UNSD


Session 4: Understanding end-use data collection at national level
Chair: Paola Carrera, OLADE

China, Jianwu Wen, NBS
UK, Julian Prime, BEIS 
Canada, John Appleby, NRCan
Indonesia, Golfritz Sahattua Sohuturon, Pusdatin
USA, Eileen O’Brien, EIA

Session 5: Capacity building
Chair: Antigone Gikas, Eurostat

Gianluca Tonolo, IEA
Cristian Fetie, Eurostat
Hossein Hassani, OPEC

Session 6: What “activity” data from sectors beyond energy?
Chair: Ralf Becker, UNSD

The Energy Community end-use data work, Milka Mumovic, Energy Community
The importance of energy and activity data for modelling, Eric Masanet, IEA 
Mozhgan Raeisian Parvari, UNIDO
Zuzana Dobrotkova, World Bank
Hossein Hassani, OPEC

Session 7 Conclusions: planning next steps of international cooperation 
Chair: Duncan Millard, International Energy Agency

Session 8: Introduction and updates 
Chair: Duncan Millard, International Energy Agency

Update on 2015 conclusions, Duncan Millard, IEA

Session 9: IRES 
Chair: Andrii Gritsevskyi, IAEA

IRES (Updates on publications, compiler’s manual), Ralf Becker, UNSD

Session 10: SDMX
Chair: Bart De Norre, Eurostat

Gyorgy Gyomai, OECD
Bart De Norre, SDMX and Information Processing, Eurostat
Bart De Norre, DSD for Energy Statistics, Eurostat
Stève Gervais, IEA
Marek Sturc, Eurostat
Andrii Gritsevskyi, IAEA

Session 11: AoB and Discussion and Conclusions
Chair: Duncan Millard, International Energy Agency
