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Implementing real-world low-carbon policy packages in the energy sector: understanding the challenges



The International Energy Agency’s Environment and Climate Change Unit is launching a new programme of work on “real-world policy packages”, aimed at investigating and addressing the complexities of layered energy-climate policy mixes and their interactions. This full-day workshop will bring together a select group (approx. 25) of experts and government policymakers to consider topics such as:

  • How climate and energy policies can be integrated with one another, and with wider policy objectives (e.g., how can policy packages integrate the multiple benefits of low-carbon policies);
  • What role low-to-moderate carbon prices play in the policy mix, and when they might need to be complemented with backstop policies; and
  • Experiences in balancing policy optimisation over short and long timeframes, to minimise costs and asset stranding.  

The meeting will be held under the Chatham House Rule, with the objectives of sharing knowledge between key experts in this field, and better targeting future IEA work.




Introductory remarks: context and objectives for the workshop

  • Dave Turk, Head of Energy Environment Division, IEA
  • Christina Hood‌, Head of Unit, Environment and Climate Change, IEA


Country experiences with energy-climate policy packages

Speakers will briefly present on the range of real-world considerations, challenges and contexts that influenced the development and final form of their national energy-climate policy packages. 


Low to moderate carbon prices in climate-energy policy packages

This discussion will focus on what role low to moderate carbon prices can play in supporting low-carbon transition, including when and how they may need to be complemented by other policies.

  • Kurt van Dender, OECD
  • Christian Flachsland, Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change 
  • Maarten Neelis, Ecofys
  • Julien Martin, Électricité de France


Balancing short- and long-term policy optimisation

Optimal policy choices to meet short-term energy and climate objectives might be different from those for longer-term energy transition. How can short- and long-term perspectives be balanced to reduce costs and asset stranding during the transition?


Alignment of energy-climate policy packages

This session will explore how policies within the energy-climate policy mix can be well aligned among themselves, across jurisdictions, and with other policy objectives (e.g., air quality or development objectives).