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IEA Roundtable on the Industrial Productivity and Competitiveness Benefits of Energy Efficiency

Workshop — Paris, France


This Roundtable is the fourth in the research phase of the IEA study on Capturing the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency – a study which seeks to broaden the discussion of energy efficiency policy as part of wider economic and socioeconomic strategy. The IEA Energy Efficiency Unit began this study in 2012 by considering the many impacts delivered by energy efficiency, identifying 15 key benefits frequently cited in studies, which merit further investigation. An Insights paper published in May 2012 provides a preliminary assessment of this topic and these benefits.

The Energy Efficiency Unit is now running an in-depth study of five selected benefit areas:

  • macro-economic benefits and jobs 
  • health 
  • energy provider and consumer benefits and
  • industrial productivity and competitiveness
  • public budget impacts 

A series of expert round-table discussions focusing on each benefit category are guiding this work, in order to share experience, discuss issues and challenges, and identify and assemble good practice approaches for each benefit category.

This roundtable aims to provide a platform to discuss existing and promising approaches used to quantify non-energy benefits, identify a key set of indicators that are feasible and relevant for industry and policy-makers and explore methods for quantification. We will also discuss how information on non-energy benefits can be used to promote energy efficiency implementation. The roundtable will include a discussion exploring challenges, gaps and discuss how to move forward with this issue.

Please find attached latest Agenda and Discussion paper





Welcome and workshop opening

Philippe Benoit, Head of Energy Efficiency and Environment Division, IEA

Introduction – IEA project overview and objectives

Nina Campbell, Multiple Benefits Project Manager, IEA

Session 1.  Indicators and methodologies for quantifying multiple benefits of industrial energy efficiency projects. This session will cover on-the-ground experiences of assessing potential and actual non-energy benefits of industrial energy efficiency projects. Focus will be placed on indicators and methodologies, and types of data that are used or could be used to quantify non-energy benefits, and ultimately making the business case for companies to quantify multiple benefits.

9:30 - 10:10 am

Industrial non-energy benefits in Denmark - Methodologies used and results attained

Erik Gudbjerg, Director, Lokalenergi

Measuring the Additional Benefits of Energy-Efficiency Improvements in Industry

Eric Woodroof, Profitable Green Solutions, United States

Multiple benefits of energy efficiency in SME sector

Rod Janssen, Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes

Categorizing the non-energy benefits of energy efficiency in strategic terms to boost investments

Catherine Cooremans, University of Geneva

10.10 – 11:00 am


  • What are the top 5 indicators that are realistic and relevant?
  • What existing data collection systems or schemes can be used to collect or access necessary data for these indicators? 
  • What are the selling points to get companies to start collecting data on non-energy benefits & how would you entice companies to share or report information? 
  • What is the role of other actors – energy service providers, consultants, auditors? How best to get them engaged in tracking non-energy benefits?


  • Erik Gudbjerg
  • Eric Woodroof
  • Rod Janssen
  • Catherine Cooremans
  • Pedro Faria, Carbon Disclosure Project
  • Hugh Faulkner, EMSA
  • Andreas Guertler, Foundation Director, EIIF
  • Mirko Kruek, Managing Director, LEEN
  • Ian Leslie, Leslie Consulting
  • Josephine Rasmussen, Univ. of Linkoping
  • Hannu Vaananen, Head of Public Affairs, ABB


11:00  - 11:30 am:                           COFFEE BREAK



Session 2. Indicators and methodologies for quantifying multiple benefits of industrial energy efficiency programmes and policies.

This session will cover existing and planned initiatives to integrate consideration of multiple benefits when assessing the impacts and results of energy efficiency programmes and policies. Focus will be placed on indicators of relevance in a policy context, methods to access data, methods to extrapolate data and how this information can be used to improve policy-making and strengthen the case for policies to support industrial energy efficiency.

11:30 am -12:00pm

Integrating consideration of non-energy benefits in the Swedish energy management programme

Maja Dahlgren, Swedish Energy Agency

Integrating consideration of multiple benefits in the Australian Energy Efficiency Opportunities programme

Greg Divall, Head of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Division, Department of Industry, Australia

Discussion Non-energy benefits in US programmes – and steps towards global data collection

Bruce Lung, Industrial Energy Efficiency Advisor, on behalf of Department of Energy , United States

12:00 –

12:45 pm


  • The top 5 realistic and relevant indicators?
  • What existing data collection systems can be used to access necessary data for indicators? 
  • How can information collection be streamlined to ensure minimum burden for companies?
  • Are there confidentiality/competition considerations? How do we deal with these?
  • How to translate to benefits for industrial energy efficiency programmes (more funding, greater participation, increased publicity)


  • Maja Dahlgren
  • Greg Divall
  • Bruce Lung
  • William Garcia, CEFIC
  • Sarah Larsen, Danish Energy Agency
  • Ruben Kubiak, EU DG-Energy
  • Sarah Meagher, DECC, UK
  • John O’Sullivan, SEAI, Ireland
  • Julia Reinaud, IIP Network
  • Maartin Van Werkhoven, Consultant
  • Fredrich Seefeldt, Prognos
  • Peter Sweatman, Climate Strategy

12:45 – 2:30pm:                          LUNCH


Session 3. The bigger picture on industrial energy efficiency impacts 

This session will focus on the synergies between industrial level and programme/policy level efforts – and what approaches could be used to ensure maximum benefits in terms of useful data and information with minimum efforts. The session will also cover the value of quantifying economy-wide benefits of industrial energy efficiency and a discussion on possible approaches and challenges.

2:30  –

3:10 pm

Multiple benefits of industrial energy efficiency policy – experiences from Australia and Mongolia

Patrick Crittenden, Director, Sustainable Business Pty Ltd, Australia

Transferring lessons learned from other areas to industrial energy efficiency

Luis Mundaca, Associate Professor

IIIEE, Lund University, Sweden

Transferring lessons learned from other areas to industrial energy efficiency

Bruce Lung, Industrial Energy Efficiency Advisor

Towards more integrated approaches in assessing benefits of energy efficiency

Randall Bowie, Chief Consultant, Rockwool

3:10pm – 4:00pm


  • What are the top 5 economy-wide non-energy benefits of interest?
  • What methods are available to extrapolate data from company and programme level to capture economy wide benefits?
  • What can we learn or borrow from efforts in other areas?


  • Patrick Crittenden
  • Luis Mundaca
  • Bruce Lung
  • Randall Bowie
  • Evelyn Bisson, DG Energy and Climate, France
  • Mathieu Bordigoni, EDF R&D
  • Bruno Chretien, ADEME
  • Etienne Kechichian, International Finance Corporation
  • Andi Novianto, Cordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Indonesia
  • Clemens Rodhe, ISI
  • Jonathan Sinton, World Bank


 4.00 - 4:30pm :               COFFEE BREAK

Session 4:     The IEA Handbook on Multiple Benefits: Conclusions on feasible methodologies, remaining gaps, challenges and the way forward 

This discussion will be structured around IEA background paper circulated in advance of this Roundtable, with a view to providing concrete guidance to the IEA on the key messages for the Multiple Benefits Handbook. It will build on the preceding discussions with the goal of identifying a set of indicators and promising approaches to collect and synthesize data, that could be recommended as a feasible basis for future work in this area. The session will also aim to identify key challenges and solutions as well as areas requiring further analytical work. Finally, the group will consider how to raise the profile of multiple benefits within companies and in policy design, and how best to use this information to effectively drive energy efficiency investments and implementation.

4:30 –

5:30 pm

Presentation of the IEA background paper and questions for the handbook chapter

Vida Rozite, Industrial Energy Efficiency Policy Analyst, IEA


  • What are the 3 areas in which IEA guidance/recommendations would have the biggest impact?
  • What are the top 3 challenges and how do we tackle them?
  • Filling the gaps: What steps are needed to go from good ideas to actions?
  • Communicating multiple benefits: how to raise the profile of multiple benefits within companies AND in the policy making process?
  • What key messages should go to politicians about the non-energy impacts of energy efficiency in industry?


  • Smail Alhilali, UNIDO
  • Nils Borg, ECEEE
  • Lars Bromsoe Termansen, Danish Energy Agency
  • Conrad Brunner, Sustainable Energy Advisors
  • Stephen Fawkes, EnergyPro Ltd.
  • Jean-Jaques Marchais, Schneider Electric
  • Alexios Pantelias, IFC
  • Jigar Shah, IIP Network 
  • Christian Stenqvist, Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lunds University 
  • Hannes MacNaulty, Consultant

5:30 pm