IEA-Power Africa: Data-Driven Electrification in Africa Webinar
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Background information
The International Energy Agency (IEA), in its capacity as a co-custodian for Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7), has contributed over the past two decades to the collection, analysis, and dissemination of global electricity access data. Collaborating with national statistics offices, the IEA has advanced these initiatives through the "Guidebook for Improved Electricity Access Statistics", aiming to refine the collection of supply-side data. This work underscores the IEA's dedication to meeting the pressing need for accessible, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy solutions as we move closer to the end of the decade.
Current data indicate that 600 million people in Africa are without essential energy services, a challenge intensified by demographic growth, the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, affordability concerns, and the financial resilience of utilities. In the face of these obstacles, the deployment of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology emerges as a viable and cost-effective approach. GIS enables precise, location-specific identification of the most appropriate technology solutions, facilitating enhanced planning and execution of energy access strategies throughout the continent.
Event overview
This webinar marks the culmination of the collaborative Data-Driven Electrification in Africa Programme by the International Energy Agency and Power Africa, which focuses on expediting energy access across the continent. The initiative has yielded two digital tools that bolster the ability of energy planners to make data-informed decisions. Attendees will be provided with an update on the state of energy access in Africa, along with introductions to the IEA’s GIS Catalogue for Energy Planning in Africa and the Building-Level Electricity Demand Estimation Model. Leveraging GIS, remote sensing, and Artificial Intelligence, this model addresses key planning challenges within the energy sector, offering detailed evaluations of electricity access and demand. This facilitates strategic planning and the effective implementation of electrification projects, contributing to the broader goal of improving energy access across diverse African communities.
To confirm your attendance, please register using the provided hyperlink. We look forward to your participation.
Tuesday, 26 March
15:00 – 15:05
- Opening Remarks
15:05 – 15:15
- Programme Overview and Insights
15:15 – 15:25
- GIS Catalogue for Energy Planning in Africa
15:25 – 15:40
- Building-level Electricity Needs Estimation Model
15:40 – 15:55
- Question & Answer Session
15:55 – 16:00
- Closing Remarks