IEA-NEA Nuclear Technology Roadmap Update Asia Stakeholder Engagement Workshop
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In 2010, the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) released a Nuclear Energy Technology Roadmap which outlined the steps needed to accelerate the development of nuclear power and its role in achieve deep greenhouse-gas emissions reduction. Both the global energy sector and the outlook for nuclear have changed significantly since then and an update of this roadmap is currently underway.
The IEA and NEA held a stakeholder dialogue meeting focused on nuclear develop in Asia on 25 February in Hong Kong.
The meeting brought together key stakeholders from industry, government, finance and other relevant organisations from Asia and beyond to help define and prioritise key items to be discussed in the IEA/NEA’s Nuclear Roadmap Update. One of the expected outcomes of this intensive brainstorming and roadmap development session will be to discus key targets, milestones, policy measures and other actions needed to support the development and deployment of nuclear power.
Welcome Technology Roadmap Overview and role of Nuclear in the IEA Scenarios
Cecilia Tam, IEA
Focus of Nuclear Roadmap Update
Henri Paillère NEA
Interactive Discussion: What role for nuclear in Asia?
Session 1: Technology development needs for nuclear
1.a: Reactor technology
Presenter: Gu Guoxing, SNERDI – on developments by SNERDI
Presenter: Xin Tianmin, CNNC/CNPE – on developments by CNNC
1.b: Fuel cycle and decommissioning
Presenter: Remy Autebert, AREVA
Session 2: Breakout Discussion
Group I: Financing nuclear
This session will focus on today’s reality for financing nuclear and the current economics of nuclear.
Mechanisms such as government loan guarantees, vendor financing and role of export credit agencies will be discussed. Participants will be asked to share lessons learnt and current practices on financing nuclear as well as recommendations (if needed) for additional policy support or changes in technology development (e.g. SMR) which would facilitate greater deployment of nuclear technologies.
Presenter: Paul Murphy, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Moderator: Nadira Barkatullah, UAE Regulation and Supervision Bureau
Group II: Nuclear regulation and safety
This session will focus on regulatory needs for enhanced security and regulation for new build programmes, institutional development requirements for new nuclear countries. Safety research following the Fukushima Daiichi accident will also be discussed.
Moderator: Melissa Dubinsky, RIZZO
Session 3: Overcoming barriers to nuclear build out
Presenter: Didier Cordero, EDF
Short presentation followed by group discussion, focused on the following topics:
- Codes and standards
- Licensing – harmonisation
- Training and capacity development needs
- Initiatives to facilitate introduction of new technologies (R&D, pre licensing, etc..)
Moderator: Henri Paillère
Discussion: Bringing it All Together
Participants invited to share their views on recommendations and key messages for the nuclear roadmap. Cecilia Tam and Henri Paillère to summarise the discussions and inform participants on next steps and how to stay involved in the roadmap process.