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IEA Low-Carbon Gas Day

Paris Time

The role of low-carbon gases in decarbonisation pathways

The decarbonisation of the gas and broader energy system will require the scaling up and deployment of low-carbon gases, including biomethane, pure low-carbon hydrogen, hydrogen blends, synthetic methane - and natural gas subject to carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) both at production and at end-use.

In addition to their environmental benefits, domestically produced low-carbon gases can reduce the reliance on fossil fuel imports and foster energy supply security in the medium-term.

Given the need the immediate need to speed up the deployment of low-carbon gases, the industry, infrastructure and regulation should begin adapting now to enable their cost-efficient integration into the gas system in the future.

Moreover, an orderly transition from the current gas system to a model integrating multiple gases will require prudent market design from its the early stages to take into consideration the network integration challenge and changing supply flexibility of low-carbon gases and ultimately their implications for security of supply.

The IEA Secretariat hosted a Low-Carbon Gas Day with the involvement of both government representatives and private stakeholders to further enhance the international dialogue on low-carbon gases, promote mutually beneficial partnerships and facilitate information dissemination to the broader public.

Download the slides from Session 1

Download the slides from Session 2

Download the slides from Session 3