IEA Contribution to G20 Energy in 2018
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G20 Argentina 2018
IEA has played a critical role in supporting the energy discussions under the Argentina Presidency of the G20 and its priority "Transitioning towards cleaner, more flexible and transparent energy systems". For the G20, the IEA spearheads the comprehensive tracking of G20 progress on energy transitions, energy access, system integration of variable energy sources and system flexibility, fossil fuel subsidy reforms, energy efficiency as well as related investment and clean energy technologies.
The IEA participated to the G20 Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy Forum, the two meetings of G20 Energy Transitions Working Group, and supported the IGU Natural Gas Day, and the G20 Energy Ministerial. Read also the news article on IEA participation at the G20 energy ministerial meeting.
To the the Bariloche Communiqué
Key IEA presentations
- G20 Ministerial opening keynote on the outlook of global energy markets and sustainability
- G20 Ministerial IEA key messages from the joint G20 Presidency IEA report on energy transitions
- G20 Ministerial IEA key messages from the joint Presidency IEA report on energy data, transparency and market digitalisation
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IGU Natural Gas Day
The IEA delivered a keynote address on the opportunities and challenges of natural gas in the future energy systems, at IGU Natural Gas Day (Mr Tim Gould, IEA Head of Energy Supply Outlook Division).
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Energy Efficiency Forum in Buenos Aires
Paul Simons, Deputy Executive Director of the IEA, presented at the G20 Energy Efficiency & Renewables Forum on the synergies of renewable energy, efficiency and digitalisation in the energy sector.
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Energy End-Use Data and Energy Efficiency Metrics Initiative
Under the G20 Presidency of Argentina, the government of France (ADEME) and IEA hosted a workshop in Buenos Aires. The meeting gathered energy efficiency statisticians from G20 countries who shared experience with a view to improve end use data collection and the design of energy efficiency policies.